Comparison of websites delivering flowers in Germany

Which website should you pick to send flowers to Germany? Follow our guide to make an informed decision.

List of sites Factors

Flower delivery to Germany website rankings

The websites we tested which offer a delivery everywhere in Germany, ranked by numerous criteria
Updated on 13 February 2025.


€27.95 | Minimum price
€7.95 | Shipping costs
12h | Delivery speed
Hand delivery
Delivery everywhere in Germany
Additional products
International delivery
Greeting card


€22.99 | Minimum price
€5.99 | Shipping costs
24h | Delivery speed
Delivery by mail
Delivery everywhere in Germany
Additional products
International delivery
Greeting card

Telefleurs Euroflorist Germany

€23.99 | Minimum price
€7.95 | Shipping costs
24h | Delivery speed
Delivery by mail
Delivery everywhere in Germany
Additional products
International delivery
Greeting card

RegionFlorist Germany

€17.95 | Minimum price
€5.95 | Shipping costs
12h | Delivery speed
Hand delivery
Delivery everywhere in Germany
Additional products
International delivery
Greeting card


€19.99 | Minimum price
€5.99 | Shipping costs
24h | Delivery speed
Delivery by mail
Delivery everywhere in Germany
Additional products
International delivery
Greeting card

Edelweiss Blumenversand

€24.99 | Minimum price
€0.00 | Shipping costs
24h | Delivery speed
Delivery by mail
Delivery everywhere in Germany
Additional products
International delivery
Greeting card

What are the ranking factors?

Minimum price

How much does the cheapest bouquet cost on any given website? That's the answer we provide on our test. While it's only indicative, it gives consumers an idea regarding how much they're likely to spend depending on which they pick. Our information is regularly updated to reflect seasonal price changes. Sometimes a cheaper option is preferable, notably when you have to make several orders.

Shipping costs

However, the minimum amount you're going to pay for a bouquet does not include the delivery fees, which vary greatly between companies. Some companies are upfront regarding their policy, while others tend to hide this information until you're almost done completing your order. Our reviews give you this information before you even begin ordering. Please note that depending on the type of delivery (see below), costs will differ. Typically, it will be more expensive to choose a hand delivery by a florist than shipping your flowers via post.

Delivery speed

Not all flowers travel at the same speed all around Germany. If you decide to send them in the mail, they will need at least 24 hours to reach their destination. However, if you select a florist to deliver your bouquet, it is likely to be delivered within the next couple of hours. Unfortunately, not all websites clearly indicate the delivery time on their website, which is why our comparison tool lists the fastest delivery speed available for each site.

Delivery zone

In Germany, flower delivery companies are usually successful in reaching every corner of the country, whether it's small towns or big cities. One of the perks some bigger companies offer is the ability to send flowers internationally, which can be convenient in some cases.

Hand delivery

Hand delivery means that your bouquet will be brought to your recipient's door by a florist in a couple of hours. It doesn't get better than that, but it comes at a cost: anywhere from 5 to 25% of the overall costs. Another advantage of this method, compared to postal delivery (see below), is that the florist will be able to bring your bouquet even inside hospitals, or funeral homes.

Delivery by mail

A delivery method that ceaselessly improved in the past decade, shipping your flowers has become safe and convenient, without sacrificing quality anymore. Not only is shipping cheaper than hand delivery, it is also satisfying in terms of freshness, in most cases. The drawback is the delays - usually 24 hours of more - that take longer than having a florist bring them to your recipient's door.


For the floral companies delivering Germany and beyond, coupon codes are an important tool to seduce new clients. Coupons for first-time clients, coupons for certain occasions or deliveries on certain days, they are used in different fashions but most companies take advantage of them. The percents shaved off the total orders may make certain sites more worthwhile to you.

Additional products

Since the advent of online shopping, flowers needn't be sent alone anymore. Many companies offer chocolate, teddy bears, candles, wine or keepsakes to accompany your bouquets. These accessories can make your gift more memorable, especially for big occasions such as weddings, a birth or a work promotion.

Greeting card

The difference between sending flowers or a regular gift by mail is the message. The quality of the greeting card should be an important factor in your choice, as this will be the essence of your floral message. It's going to be the difference between good and great, or success and failure. Some websites even allow you to pick your own image to upload on their site to print. Others offer a free "greeting card" but beware: in this case, it's usually a low-quality, generic card (sometimes as flimsy as a post-it note) that may not be appropriate for your message.

Cities in Germany

List of German cities with floral delivery available.